Monday, 06 Jun 2022 16:03 GMT

Heidelberg investment releases bottleneck

Packaids recently invested in a new Heidelberg MK Easymatrix 106 CS die-cutter.

Describing the decision as an easy one, Steve Hutton, director of Packaids says the company had faced increases in the volume of its packaging work over the past two years. This in turn highlighted a bottleneck in the die-cutting department. 

“It was screaming out for a B1 flatbed machine to keep up with demand,” he explains.
Four times faster than its predecessor, the machine can cut a sheet twice the size and remove all of the apertures in the same pass. 

“Just a couple of weeks after installation, we’ve found the knock-on benefits in the factory abundantly apparent. Clients, too, enjoy faster more consistent service while still allowing the company to stay competitive.”

The Easymatrix machine will enable Packaids to convert a wide range of materials into cartons, opening the doors further to packaging and commercial applications.

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